How can a woman succeed in a non-female business?

by Editorial Team
How can a woman succeed in a non-female business?

We continue a series of useful recommendations from SHE Congress speakers for women who plan to actively move up the career ladder. 

Oksana Demchuk, director of the IT department of Myronivsky Khleboprodukt,  admitted that two things helped her, which she conditionally designated as a bulletproof vest and a helmet. Body armor for Oksana is her team of professionals. Demchuk enthusiastically admitted that she likes to set previously unrealized tasks for the team and see how their eyes burn in anticipation of doing something new.  A helmet for Oksana is her reliable rear at home. Demchuk quoted Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook, as an example: “By ‘support’, I mean being willing to get out of bed at least once in two in the middle of the night to change a baby’s diaper.”

Nadezhda Vasilieva, CEO of Microsoft Ukraine, recommends that a woman starts with the role of “ringleader” / “organizer”. Nadezhda noticed that a woman should be alien to totalitarian manners, which a priori destroy the female essence. Most often, a woman becomes an informal leader, and then a formal one. It is less painful for femininity and much more organic.

Vasilyeva also advises establishing communication with all departments and observing the corporate culture. This will help to gain the support and opinion of the majority in the company. You will become recognizable and gain status. 

Finally, Nadezhda reassured me that the time of crisis relevant to today’s realities is a great time of opportunity for women. Because businesswomen are excellent at saving and preserving capital.

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