How to work 4 hours a week and not hang around in the office

by Editorial Team
How to work 4 hours a week and not hang around in the office

Believe it or not, there are girls who prefer to wander around the bookstore instead of the traditional shopping mall. To save you time on book shopping and carve out longed-for leisure hours, we recommend a couple of books.

 These publications will turn your concept of time management upside down. 

How to work 4 hours a week and at the same time not hang around in the office “from call to call”, live anywhere, and get rich

Timothy Ferris’s book will teach you to live “here and now” and free you from office slavery. The author talks about the secret of the “new rich” who gave up the “delayed life syndrome” and learned to lead a luxurious life, managing their time and traveling the world most of their lives. 

Quote:  A busy person is busy with everything but life; There is nothing harder than learning to live. (Seneca)

I am busy! 

Brigitte Schultz’s book will teach you how to manage time properly and become a guide to dealing with distractions and stress.

Quote:  Our culture has made speed a symptom of success. If you are constantly busy, moving fast and doing something quickly – you are successful … We tend to exaggerate the number of hours of working time to demonstrate our own importance. Robinson’s research shows that we sleep more than we think. We watch too much TV. And we’re not as busy as we think. Work less, do more

Kerry Gleason tells you how to organize your workflow as productively as possible and become more efficient. You will learn how to overcome the habit of procrastination, get rid of feeling overwhelmed, and begin to enjoy work. 

From the author of the book:  When people hear the word “efficiency”, the first thought that usually comes to their mind is about “squeezing blood out of a stone.” But I define efficiency differently. By efficiency, I mean the ability to do more with less effort. How to work wherever you want, as long as you want, and get a stable income

Scott Fox transparently hints that the Internet is a salvation from the main routine of our lives – office work.

From the author of the book: HOW DO YOU FEEL Monday morning? When you hear the alarm clock, do you immediately open your eyes, burning with delight? Are you ready to hit the road with a brisk step? Do you rejoice at the prospect of repeating this for many weeks, months, and years to come? I really hope that this is the case, but, unfortunately, the likelihood of this is small. In fact, almost 60% of people in the world do not like their job!

How are your work schedules? Have you already figured out how not to hang around in the office? We are not 🙂 

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