What every career woman needs to know: 8 rules

by Editorial Team
What every career woman needs to know: 8 rules

On Friday, the editors of I WANT to visit the SHE-Congress. Throughout the week, we’ll be sharing what we’ve heard from successful businesswomen who have risen to leadership positions with elegance and a smile on their faces.

Today, the main character of my publication will be the CEO of World Executive Partners Tatyana Furtseva. She delighted the ladies with the fact that women are more competent than men in 17 categories. The stronger sex allows (so far) to dominate the advantage in only 4 categories, among which financial insight and strategic thinking are key for business. This begs the question: how do you make your 17 benefits work to make up for the missing key

Tatyana Furtseva recommends following 8 rules.

Set career goals 

Think about what you want to achieve in this company, and what this work experience will give you.

Find yourself a lobbyist in the company.

It should be a person who will support you, pay attention to all your ideas, and possibly help in implementation.

Take risks and gain experience

You will never know what you can do until you try. Thus, you will have new acquaintances, opportunities, interests.

Cultivate self-confidence

Do not focus on your mistakes, but rather focus on solutions to the problem. Don’t be selfish.

Promote and stand up for yourself

Talk about what you learned over the weekend, and how you implemented a successful project at your last job. 

Let go of your perfectionism

Remember that the best is the enemy of the good.

Stand up for your salary

Statistics say that women dutifully agree to the amount offered, while men defend their salary option. This is partly why women get less.

Ask for criticism and feedback 

This will help you understand where you are doing the right steps, and where it is worth changing the strategy and (or) behavior

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