Love Your Boss As Yourself

by Editorial Team
Love Your Boss As Yourself

There are a huge number of recommendations on how to become the favorite of the boss. I don’t want to repeat myself. This article is about how to nurture a feeling of sympathy for your boss.

If you sympathize with a person, he usually has a response. Well, we love the people who love us! It’s human nature, there’s nothing you can do about it. Do you want to be a pet? Start with your inner feelings, not with manipulation. Realize how difficult it is for this person, smile, and love him (in the biblical sense of the word).

“Yes, why to love him, then?” – readers will be indignant. And they will be wrong. Yes, the boss can punish or fire, yes, he can be strict and demanding. But we must remember that much of this will be to your advantage.

Demanding? This means that your qualifications will improve significantly. And even if you are fired from this workplace (God forbid, of course), after such a park you will cope with any task. Good? Not bad. In addition, in most cases, your boss is a more experienced person. He demands, but he himself will tell you how to complete this or that task. He’s interested in making sure everything works out for you.

You should be interested in the overall result, then it will be easier to work in one team, and the difference in position will not be so obvious. Men have long realized the benefits of team play, women are just learning this.

Back to our boss. If you work in a team and achieve certain goals, who wins? All. Achievements of the company promise, first of all, material benefits for those who are involved in these achievements. Not? Not this way? It also happens differently. There are achievements, but there are no changes. But the absence of deterioration is already positive, given our current instability.

Achievements bring results, but not for you, but for the boss – went up the career ladder? This is also good, because if he goes up, then he often drags the team there too. Not? Then from all employees choose the most sensible in his place. You have a chance, and this is already enough. They chose you and everyone is jealous, and intrigues begin? Slip this article into the toilet of your subordinates, suddenly it will help.

Chosen, but not you? Congratulate the person wholeheartedly, and start working. And not to dig under the boss, but to create and create. Today you will help the new boss, maybe he will not forget about you. After all, yesterday’s colleague had more opportunities to notice your hard work than a former boss who talked to you for 15 minutes a day. And if he goes up, then it is much more likely that he will recommend the most loyal employee for his promotion in his place. The one who supported him at a time when others were jealous and growled in the corners …

What? Do they send someone on the left? Smile and help get in the know. You have a chance to become a gray cardinal, right hand, and confidant in one person. And don’t be jealous, by any means. Success accompanies those who

love successful people, who are able to learn from their experience. And how much experience can you learn from just horror, like an unloved person?

Not convinced? Everything is decided by your personal connections, the bed of leadership, and other factors that are unpleasant for you? Then I have a natural question: what are you doing in this company? A career for you here, as they say, “does not shine.” A company that is not able to properly use the experience of its employees is also not expected to have much profit and stability. There are a lot of vacancies where you can count on a higher salary and normal career growth. It is not necessary to write off everything on the problem of unemployment. Those who want to do it look for opportunities, and those who do not want to do it look for an excuse. Or are you not qualified enough to expect something better? Then you need to work on yourself, and not sharpen your teeth at the boss. If he nevertheless “survives” you, you will have a chance to start all over again – in a year or two you will remember with gratitude the person who threw you into the sea of ​​\u200b\u200blife – and you learned to swim … Thank him sometime when you meet, I hope he you’ll like it.

Finally, I will tell you about one incident in my life. I have a friend who usually whines with or without reason. Once she said that it would be nice to become a boss, and I explained to her for a long time that a leader has not only privileges but also much more responsibility than an ordinary employee who is responsible only for his actions. Shortly thereafter, their immediate supervisor went on vacation. No, she wasn’t put in charge – have you ever seen whiners put in positions of power? After a couple of weeks, I asked how the girl was doing, on whose shoulders the happiness of leadership fell, and how she manages to “produce a commanding voice.” – “Command voice? She develops bags under her eyes. Although over time, of course, she will get involved …” – admitted the one who herself dreamed of becoming a boss.

The moral of the story is: Don’t be jealous of anyone. And especially those who have achieved more success than you at the moment. You don’t know what it cost them – hypertension, an ulcer, two heart attacks, family and friends, a forgotten dream of becoming a firefighter … They sacrificed it for the prosperity of the enterprise where you work today. Appreciate it.

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