Understand How To Choose The Ideal Seller Profile For Your Company

by Editorial Team
Understand How To Choose The Ideal Seller Profile For Your Company

When we talk about a salesperson’s profile, it is necessary to understand that there is no ideal type of professional that can perfectly fit into your company’s strategies. But, yes, some professionals can adapt better to their goals and objectives.

The agreement with the customer only occurs at the end of a journey and the main driver of this whole marathon is the salesperson. This figure is not only necessary but also fundamental in any company and it is no different when we talk about managed IT service providers.

However, there are some points that should be taken into account when looking for and hiring a sales professional in the market. Therefore, to help you choose the best seller profile for your company, we created this post. Good reading!

The role of the seller

Even before a client becomes a client and hires your services, he goes through a whole journey in which he is introduced to your company, gets to know the tools, products, and services offered, and decides if that is what he is looking for or not.

The guide for this entire journey is the salesperson. This professional plays a key role in closing a deal. After all, it is through it that the customer becomes aware of their solutions and checks their suitability for their demand.

Good salespeople not only sell products and services but are able to reach the customer on an emotional level and understand what their real need is and whether or not your company has the ability to serve them, not only winning over contractors but also avoiding future cancellations.

The ideal salesperson for your company

As we have already said, the ideal professional does not exist, as each company operates in a different niche and its customers can value certain points that are not admired in another branch.

Even when we talk about the same area, such as Information Technology, it is still not possible to indicate exactly which would be the best option without carrying out a survey about the type of customer that your company serves.

For example, a managed IT service provider may focus its efforts on large companies and, as a result, the relationship between customers and vendors becomes more distant; another MSP may focus on small businesses, having the need for a salesperson who seeks to develop relationships.

The seller’s profile

There are several profiles of sales professionals on the market today, and to find out which one best fits your business, you need to conduct a thorough interview. Among the main profiles are:


This type of salesperson has high communication power combined with great power of persuasion and charisma, which makes him a great professional when they approach demands of building a relationship with the customer.

This ease of seducing new customers guarantees this type of salesperson a great conversion rate in the short term. However, quick persuasion is not always good, as the client may not be aware of the full functioning of the services when closing the deal.

Therefore, while the conversion is high, the churn rate can also be, harming the company’s image with new consumers. Because of this, you need to be careful when hiring this type of professional and avoid situations like this.


Sales – Hours – Productivity


The executor is the salesperson profile that always seeks goals and objectives at all costs. He is interested in getting his hands dirty and getting the job done as well as possible.

This profile can be beneficial for the team, however, it is necessary to be aware of some situations, such as excessive authoritarianism on their part in some cases, since the will to win is so great that the salesperson believes that his colleagues are not straining.


The planner profile is much calmer than the first two presented and, because of that, it is usually more stable. This professional evaluates very well all his steps before making any decision, avoiding the loss of a customer due to a poorly performed contract.

This type of salesperson is focused on creating a lasting relationship with the customer and does not sell dreams, but the real solutions demanded by the contractors. The problem is that his results are only seen in the long term, not having an immediate return, as he likes to think a lot before acting.


This seller profile is new to the market and its decisions are mainly based on data collected from customers and the segment. He is very tech-savvy and has an easy time dealing with analysis tools.

As a result, his decisions usually have an effect and reach the target audience, however, as his profile is not very communicative, he has difficulties in creating a relationship with the client. In addition, it depends on data, and if your company doesn’t collect information, it can’t do much.


The hunter seller, also called the hunter, is a professional who specializes in finding business opportunities and focuses all his energies on this work, analyzing the market and looking for insights.

One of its main features is networking — meeting many people — which facilitates your contact with other professionals and companies. This is a very independent profile, which usually works best alone.


The farmer profile is much more about creating and cultivating relationships with leads and customers. This type of salesperson is very easy to create bonds of friendship with everyone and this allows for a closer approach.

He seeks to constantly nurture leads and, as a result, usually earns their trust, transferring that image to his company. In addition, he is very good at teamwork and is always willing to share his contacts and information.

It is also necessary to remember that it is not enough just to choose the correct salesperson profile for your company, but it is also necessary to create a sales funnel aimed at generating qualified leads and retaining customers.

Stay with us, check out our next post and understand how to effectively retain customers in your IT services company!

Has your company or the clients you accompany ever experienced a problem with the lack of clarity and reconciliation between the Help Desk and the Service Desk? Share your experience in the comments, telling what the solution was adopted and its results.

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